Group Management and teamwork strategies

Course Synopsis
Today, teamwork is a pivotal soft skill in the professional world, regarded as a key to success. Therefore, it’s vital for educators to cultivate a team-oriented atmosphere in classrooms, transforming the teacher’s role into a facilitator who empowers students to learn through practical experiences and mutual interaction. This involves fostering a sense of belonging within the group, acknowledging individual contributions, assigning roles effectively, and applying suitable techniques for evaluating teamwork outcomes and feedback.

Participating in this course, attendees will gain insights into fostering interdependence and collaboration, rather than individual competition, thereby nurturing a culture of collaboration in the learning environment.

Training Outcomes
This course enables participants to enhance their group leadership skills through collaborative techniques and reflective methods, aiming to establish effective teamwork in the classroom and a cooperative learning environment. Participants will also acquire strategies to aid students’ learning in groups through efficient coaching, feedback, and formative assessment techniques.

The overarching goal of this course is to drive excellence and innovation in education, equipping educators and staff with necessary tools and methodologies for effective teamwork integration in teaching and learning.

By attending this course, participants will:

  • Gain insights and tools for team building, management, and leadership;
  • Learn to set appropriate group norms and coordinate group tasks effectively;
  • Understand how to use questioning and coaching to facilitate teamwork;
  • Support students in self-assessment and peer assessment within team projects, and apply formative assessment techniques;
  • Discover various strategies to scaffold group learning and provide meaningful feedback;
  • Engage in best practice exchanges and experiences in group management with education professionals from across Europe.

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